Polaroid Super Shooter Which Film Works For A Polaroid Super Shooter?

Which film works for a Polaroid Super Shooter? - polaroid super shooter

Fujifilm FP-100C have purchased, film, but it seems to be present in the room.
Maybe I'm not paste the right way?


dbaldu said...

I answered a similar question on US-100:

http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index ...

The device is the same, only that it is not at the rear drawbar and movies waiting for ring.

Do not discuss the orientation of the package of films, so here goes. Open the camera back. Make sure there is always an empty package into force. If so, choose the right side and pull it toward you. It should come out easily. BTW, now would be a good time to check and probably replace the two AA batteries, you should see the inside of the camera. If you have loaded the film, you can not replace the batteries without loss of exposure. It is also a good time to gently clean the wheels on the back with a damp cloth built. Everything you need to use water. Do not use alcohol, cleaning the lens or something else. Water works best.

I guess you have the film out of the box and packaging, which has been withdrawn?

Now insert the new film package with a rigid sheet of black paper and tape for children (probably white) sheet of paper inparticularly when one is on the back of the camera. You must press on the left side of the pack on the left side of the camera. In the package must be put into effect, with no more than a slight finger pressure.

I hope that helps. Good luck.

Update - The Post says that there is no film that is wrong. Polaroid film is not true, but the Fuji FP100-C with an appropriate replacement for the camera. For info I was there and for many years, I bought the Polaroid Company factory store, where the camera was. I am very familiar with the camera and technology.

fhotoace said...

The film, you bought is designed for professional use Polaroid backs for medium format and 4x5 view cameras.

http://www.fujifilm.com/products/instant ...

Super Shooter: You can use any standard format film pack square or rectangular format, so that the film has a job. I suggest you take a photo shop are long established in their area and show you how to load

http://www.associatedcontent.com/video/2 ...

knowital... said...

Polaroid instant film-making that even more. Digital outdated.

knowital... said...

Polaroid instant film-making that even more. Digital outdated.

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