Raisins Cholesterol I Am Looking For Ways To Improve My HDL Cholesterol.?

I am looking for ways to improve my HDL cholesterol.? - raisins cholesterol

Hello, I have genetically high cholesterol levels increase with a higher number than average HDL - Id like to continue, this figure for LDL-cholesterol (now my cholesterol is with 295 one 75HDL) - I've more stringent than the gape, most (with here and indescretions there) in the diet and exercise, but the fluctuation of my Cholestrol total of 260 can not get past ... I would like to increase HDL - Can you food before that can happen?

My daily diet consists of
Oatmeal (raisins or Bluberry)
Cheerios (dry) not from milk
Two Fruits
Two - four vegetable
3 eggs per week (if)
The chicken or turkey only

and 1.5 to 3 liters of water per day ...

Suggestions would be good

Thank you!


men in black said...

Supplementation with cod liver oil and vitamin C and vitamin B complex in high doses. You will thank me later. You can not do anything for your cholesterol, but a crisis of health care made profit anyway.

murrayc said...

My doctor told me taking 1000 mg of niacin to raise my HDL

wiseowl_... said...

I have done much research on choleserol, but sorry to say that I never saw a diet to raise HDL.
There was a study comparing different diets showed a slight increase, but HDLon the Atkins diet is the protein into carbohydrates and little fat. How can I read that I can honestly say
http://womens-health.jwatch.org/cgi/cont ...
What have I learned about Cholestrol are here

When we said that the genetics are usually explained by a policeman outside Aginst something that common beliefs, or is caused simply unexpained. If you say it is a genetic predisposition generally means that they are trying to put on the drug, what we want to avoid with caution.

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