Dreams Beauty Uniforms Another Odd Dream...?

Another Odd Dream...? - dreams beauty uniforms

Now I would like to tell you my dreams. I like to know what they mean, and I want to work with you to respond to you and taken the time to thank my dream to read.
Well, my first dream last night or this morning was a rare zoo. I've never been there, but it seemed so familiar, in my dream. Keystone VOO! While I was there for a beauty contest and I have two pairs of pants with. They were my gym uniform shorts. I panicked because I do not know where my shirt is. I needed, so that the Pagaent. I left the locker room and told my father that the mother did not pack my fucking shirt. He said: "Let's see. You must leave the Pagaent. It was night, and we have been to the zoo'suntil. I went to my mother and my brother and told him about the packaging, not my shirt. She told him to calm down and stuff and do not worry, Pagaent are very important. I went out and began to sulk. My father came and gave me a doll, Bratz Dylan (I still have and have been for years ... I love when) the wrist, and he took me from my mother. I remember turning and seeing that structure with enough light, like a Carisle or something. I saw that the structure in another dream that I remember, but difficult. Anyway, my father took me and told me to calm me down. I said: "Ugh! NO!" I took his wrist and walked down the hill and landed on a man with dreadlocks foot. My father said that he apologized and said he was happy. Then Dad was show me the reSt zoo.
And I remember. I tell you more dreams, but please answer, this time too! A man told me it could scorpions in my house. Please, I do not live in Kentucky, Arizona or something. : D


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